Dermaplaning in Calgary
This amazing treatment is the talk of the town right now. Dermaplaning is a favourite in the entertainment industry, specifically among celebrities because it eliminates that annoying peach fuzz that cakes up in makeup and can be enhanced by harsh production lighting and high-definition cameras. “Dermaplaning removes all the dead skin cells and also the peach fuzz hair, leaving the surface of the skin super smooth. Dermaplaning allows for better penetration of skincare products and creates a flawless canvas for makeup to glide on smoothly. You are going to love it!
Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that consists of using a special tool to gently scrape off the top layer of dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. OMG sounds scary, hey? It really isn’t, as long as you’re in the right hands.
What is dermaplaning?
Our SE Calgary Spa now offers this amazing service! Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation that utilizes a specialized instrument used to scrape away built up dead skin cells and peach fuzz hair. It is a comfortable, relaxing procedure that can be combined with other facial services to further improve results. Dermaplaning also stimulates the production of fresh, young skin cells, while helping your skin to breathe easier. Active ingredients in skin care products can penetrate into the deeper layers resulting in healthier skin. Our clients in SE Calgary already LOVE it!
Is dermaplaning right for me?
Dermaplaning is ideal for Calgary women who are of all skin types and who are interested in improving the health, texture and appearance of their skin.
How quickly will I see results?
Immediately! There is no down time and your skin will be glowing immediately after your treatment. Your make up will look flawless and your products will penetrate much deeper into the skin which means they will be working much better! You will be ready for those nights out in Calgary because there is zero down time!
How often should I get a treatment?
We recommend coming in every 4 weeks to maintain results and to see improvement in overall skin tone and texture helping reduct fine lines & pore size. Results are cumulative so your skin will continue to improve each time you come in.
What are the benefits of dermaplaning?
Your skin will be softer to the touch and smoother in appearance,
You’ll enjoy a brighter complexion with a more youthful glow immediately
Active ingredients in skin care product penetrate more deeply improving skin health,
Immediate improvement in skin tone,
Helps reduce fine lines,
Makeup glides on easily so less is needed to look your best,
Great for all skin types and colors,
Will not aggravate telangiectasia (broken capillaries),
Helps reduce blackheads and enlarged pores,
Minimal risk of post-procedure breakouts, and
There is no downtime.
Who is not a candidate to receive dermaplaning?
clients who are on accutane medication (or any other medication that is for severe acne). we can perform this service 12 months post accutane.
clients with Cancer
clients with severe acne. Let us help you clear up your acne first and we can get you on a regular dermaplaning schedule when your skin has cleared up
clients with active cold sores